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News for Your Neighborhood: Infrastructure & Policy Updates

Kevin Shin


General LA

Metro Active Transportation Strategic Plan

Metro’s 2022 Public Participation Plan is open for comments

Public outreach and community engagement are fundamental and mandatory activities for Metro. Metro staff has released the draft Public Participation Plan (PPP) for 2022 and want input from the public before submitting to the Metro Board for their approval later this year. Anyone can submit comments about the draft Plan from April 27-May 27.

I-405 CMCP

Today, Metro released a draft comprehensive multimodal corridor plan (CMCP) for the I-405 Corridor within LA County. The plan will serve as a guiding vision to reimagine the possibilities for getting around one of the most congested corridors in LA County and the nation. The goal of this planning effort is to understand the diverse users and communities relying on and impacted by the I-405 Corridor, solicit their feedback, and identify multimodal improvements that can reduce congestion, move more people, increase accessibility for all users and support and advance equitable outcomes for historically disadvantaged communities.

Preparing a CMCP allows Metro to qualify and compete for state grant funding through the Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP) -- funding that supports the delivery of Measures R and M. In the past, SCCP has provided $300 million in critical funding for important projects like the Airport Metro Connector/96th Street Station and the I-105 ExpressLanes.

Adoption of the I-405 CMCP will enable Metro to position the I-405 Corridor for potential grant funding from the CTC’s SCCP as early as 2022. Securing state funding helps maximize the impact of our local transportation sales tax dollars.

The 31-day public comment period for the Draft CMCP begins today and ends on Friday, June 10, 2022.

Arroyo Verdugo (Burbank, Glendale)

$22m for Burbank Infrastructure

The projects, which department officials presented Tuesday as part of the city’s annual budget process, range from bike lanes to traffic-signal improvements. About $10 million would go to facility projects, while another $8 million would go toward streets and sidewalks.

Westside Cities (WeHo, Culver City, Santa Monica, UCLA)

Santa Monica Parklet Program Extended

Last Tuesday, May 10, City Council voted unanimously, 5-0, to allow the current outdoor “parklet” program, which includes dining, retail and gyms, plus other outdoor uses such as fitness classes in parks, to continue to operate fee-free for another summer.


2 תגובות

חבר/ה לא ידוע/ה
20 באוג׳ 2024

Thanks for updating so much interesting information fnaf game


חבר/ה לא ידוע/ה
26 ביוני 2024

It's all interesting knowledge for me! Snow Rider

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