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News for Your Neighborhood: Infrastructure & Policy Updates

Kevin Shin


State Level

Bill to Improve Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety Passes Senate Transportation Committee

The bill would require California cities to take concrete steps to reduce traffic collisions and fatalities and has garnered an impressive list of supporters, including Streets For All, ActiveSGV, CalBike, and Streets Are For Everyone.

General LA

Metro project reaches construction milestone and begins train testing

Arroyo Verdugo (Burbank, Glendale)

Beautiful Boulevard is On the Way

The Noho-Pas BRT has been adopted and now the project will move towards the detailed design phase. One of the main advocates for the project details the work in the Twitter thread below.

Antelope Valley (Lancaster, Palmdale)

The $13.3 million “Avenue R Complete Streets and Safe Routes to Schools” project will widen Avenue R, create walkable routes with sidewalks, install class II bike lanes, increase overall safety for all road users, improve signalized intersections, and will aesthetically enhance the corridor, city officials said in a news release.

Central LA (East, Northeast, South Central, Mid-City)

New First Street Protected Bike Lane

The new lane extends 0.6-mile from Mission Road to Alameda Street. On the First Street Bridge, the lanes have a wide buffer – perhaps a sign that some protection is coming soon? West of the bridge, the lanes are protected by plastic bollards. The facility includes a bus-boarding island near Alameda.

LADOT to subsidize transit, increase options for 2,000 in South LA

The Universal Basic Mobility Pilot — funded through money from the state and city — will bring e-bikes, shared electric vehicles and on-demand electric shuttle service to South Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation said it is one of the largest programs of its kind in the United States.

Join Metro for a virtual community meeting on proposed Bus Priority Lanes on Florence Avenue

Metro and the city of Los Angeles are partnering on the Florence Avenue Bus Priority Lanes Project along a 5.4-mile segment of Florence between West Boulevard and the Florence A Line (Blue) Station.

Join this virtual community meeting on Zoom to learn more about the project:

Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 885 8836 7594 Passcode: 11135 Call-in: 213.338.8477

Spanish interpretation will be available. For interpretation in a different language, please contact us by calling 213.922.4869 at least 72 hours in advance.

San Fernando Valley

California’s light rail transit project receives federal funding

The US Government has allocated $5m in federal funding for the East San Fernando Valley light rail transit project in California. The light rail line, which is formally called the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor, is being prepared for the construction stage.

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