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LA County Leads Nation in Pedestrian Deaths

This week, the

Governor’s Highway Safety Association released preliminary data that Los Angeles County has the highest number of pedestrian deaths in the nation. With a total of 265 friends, family members, and neighbors, killed by traffic violence in 2016, LA County has over 130 more deaths than the second deadliest county. This is an increase from 2015 – and, in fact, the largest increase in the country.  “The largest increase from 2015 to 2016 on a frequency basis occurred in Los Angeles (45 additional pedestrian deaths).” This report highlights the grim reality that we – as pedestrians and bicyclists – face daily on our county’s streets. And rather than getting better, things are getting worse.

LACBC advocates on the local level for safer streets for bicyclists and pedestrians across Los Angeles County. We work daily to push for better infrastructure that will allow Angelenos to move about our city safely – no matter what mode of transit they take. This report is yet another indicator of our county’s need for serious safety improvements for pedestrians and people on bikes.  “Too many Angelenos are dying on our streets. The sad fact is these deaths are truly preventable,” stated LACBC Executive Director Erik Jansen. “We know how to make safe streets, and with with Measure M and available state funds, the money is there to improve infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists. What we’re lacking right now is the political will to save the lives of hundreds of Angelenos every year. For too long, our county’s Mayors, Councilembers, and Supervisors have accepted the false narrative of the inevitability of traffic deaths. Angelenos deserve safe streets, and more than that, deserve politicians that are willing to take action to end traffic fatalities.”

Read the full report here. To take action for pedestrian safety in Los Angeles, get involved with Los Angeles Walks.

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